Some recipes are reminiscences of special memories. The Makowiec recipe is no different. Unfortunately, everyone doesn’t know how to bring in the authentic taste of polish poppy seed rolls.
Poppy seeds are small yet very intense in flavor. Polish poppy seed rolls are baked in a single roll, then chopped and served. However, some bakers go for a variation. This is where they would chop the roll before baking to give it a flower-like look.
Polish poppy seed roll recipes are more straightforward than you think. All you have to do is prepare the ingredients and follow the steps below to bake the perfect roll this Christmas!
Ingredients and Utensils
- Poppy Seeds
- Almonds
- Vanilla
- Sugar
- Salt
- Lemon Zest
- Egg (egg whites and yolks separately)
- Vegetable Oil
- Warm Milk
- Dry Yeast
- All-Purpose Flour
- Food Processor
- Large Bowl
- Baking Tray
- Parchment Paper
- Electric Oven
- Pan
- Soft Bristle Brush
- Wet Towel

Steps to Make the Perfect Poppy Seed Roll
Each variation of Makowiec follows a different sequence of instructions. So, it can be hard for a beginner to pinpoint the authentic polish poppy seed roll. The following recipe is for a single serving (one entire loaf) only.
If you’re looking for one of those delicious recipes of poppy seed rolls that melt in your mouth, then these are the steps to follow:
Step 1: Preparing the Seed and Nuts
The first step in the polish version is to take 1 cup of poppy seed and grind it in the food grinder. If your food grinder doesn’t accommodate the entire amount, feel free to use a spice grinder or clean electric coffee grinder.
But remember not to put all the seeds in the grinder at once as that will make the poppy seed filling coarse. Next, take ¼ cup of almonds and roast them lightly in a dry pan.
You may also moisturize the poppy seeds beforehand. Then follow the process of loading-grinding-unloading until all the seeds and nuts are ground.
Step 2: Moisturize the Ground Seeds
Now take your ground poppy seeds and add about 1/3 cup of boiling water to them. Make sure that the moisture reaches all throughout the poppyseed mixture. This will soften the ingredient and give it a little volume as well. Now set it aside to cool down.
Step 3: Preparing the Dry Ingredients for the Dough
Measure 1 ½ cup of all-purpose flour and put it in the food mixer. Then add about 2 tsp of dry or fresh yeast. Remember not to place flour in humid conditions. If you’re using active dry yeast, then you might consider adding ½ tsp less.
Next, add ¼ cup of sugar and ½ tsp of salt. And set the mixer on for low for about a minute. Using instant yeast is not a prerequisite for this yeast mixture.
Step 4: Getting the Dough Ready
As far as the dough is concerned, you have already done most of the work. Now is the time to add the necessary moisture to the mix. Start by adding 2/3 cup of warm milk that has been heated to at least 110 degrees Fahrenheit and set the mixer to on.
Add 2 tbsp of oil gradually by roughly dividing it into 2-3 pours. Use canola oil or extra virgin oil for best results. And finally, add one egg. You may add the egg yolks separately.
But do not add them too late after the egg whites have been added. Let the mixer run on high for 2-3 minutes in a warm spot in the kitchen. You may sprinkle a little warm water now and then.
Preparition of homemade roll with poppy seeds Preparition of homemade roll with poppy seeds
Step 5: Kneading and Resting the Dough
After the stand mixer runs for 3 minutes, reduce the speed and set it to low. Flour your board and get it prepped for kneading. Then take out your yeast dough from the mixer. Use a spoon get all the excess off of the machine, and begin kneading.
You will know that the kneading is done when the dough rises back after you poke it. Cover it with plastic wrap or dish towel and let it rest in a warm place for more than 15 minutes.
Step 6: Preparing the Poppyseed Filling
After your sweet yeast dough has been set to rest, it’s time for you to prepare the filling. Take a large bowl and pour in the wet seeds. Mix it well with the crushed almonds, 1/3 cup of powdered sugar, and ¼ tsp of vanilla.
Finally, make sure that you have added a few drops of lemon juice and zest from the orange peel to the large mixing bowl. Remember not to add more lemon zest than orange zest! You may also add raisins, dried fruits, or apricot filling (crushed)in the mix as well.
Step 7: Rolling the Dough
There are multiple ways to roll dough. Take the dough ball and put it on a floured surface or flatten it between two plastic papers. If you’re making a poppyseed roll for the first time, then the latter one is suited for you.
Make sure that you place dough in the middle of the floured board before you begin rolling. Then roll it in a square shape so that it is about 12 inches on all sides.
Step 8: Spreading the Homemade Filling
Spreading sounds like an easy job. It is, but some things can go very wrong if you’re not careful. Leave a finger width of space on each side of the surface when spreading the poppy seed filling.
If you’re using canned filling, then make sure that the larger chunks of any dried fruit are broken down into smaller bits. Prevent filling the dough to the brink, as that will make a mess inside the oven.
Step 9: Rolling and Baking
After the filling has been applied, take one end of the dough and gently roll it towards the other end. For an added touch, you may sprinkle a few drops of almond extract during the rolling stage. Set the unbaked poppy seed roll on a parchment-lined baking sheet and tuck the open ends inwards. Let the roll rise for an hour.
Brush it lightly with melted butter or give the dough an egg wash. You may also sprinkle a few poppy seeds as the topping before popping it into the oven (preheat oven to 330 degrees Fahrenheit). Take out the tray after 35 minutes, and you will have a well-baked poppy seed roll!
Step 10: Slicing and Serving
Remember that polish recipes are famous for their subtle and unique flavors. The same is the case for poppyseed rolls. So, slice your loaf evenly and serve the polished food with sweet condiments.
Slices of poppy seed cake.
Bake Your Favorite Poppy Seed Rolls Today!
Polish Makowiec is widely considered as a holiday bread in eastern Europe. However, with this incredible recipe, you get to bake the poppy seed roll at any time of the year.
Follow the instructions carefully for an evenly cooked and consistently soft loaf. So, sit back and let your taste buds take you back to those wonderful memories. Happy baking and good luck!