Polish Kapusta Recipe – Easy Steps to Follow

If you’re a Pole who has grown up on home-cooked and traditional meals, then you’re definitely familiar with Kapusta. This traditional sauerkraut is extremely delicious and is an integral part of Polish cuisine.

Its very smell is often associated with the fragrance you can expect from the kitchen of a Polish grandmother. However, not everyone knows how to make it despite acquiring a recipe.

Today, our main goal is to simplify Kapusta recipes for you so that you can make them any time you want with ease. This recipe can come in handy, both as a side dish during dinner or as a meat item during breakfast!

Classic Kapusta Recipe

The first and only method that we are going to show you today is one that is the easiest to execute and the simplest in nature. This classic recipe for the Polish sausage is incredibly effective, and we rate this recipe as the most efficient one.

Necessary Ingredients

Let’s get to know about the ingredients you will need.

· Sauerkraut

If it wasn’t obvious enough, the very first thing that you will need to make Kapusta is Sauerkraut. At least 450-500gms of this meat is necessary for this recipe. Do not compromise on its quality and try and to get the ones that are made with the mixture of fresh cabbage, a little salt, some spice, and water.

The best place to find this sausage ingredient will be in Polish food stores in your neighborhood. Sometimes, even the local farmer’s market might have some good options, or you can even ferment some at your home if there’s no other option. Try to avoid getting the ones that taste like vinegar for this recipe.

· Mushroom

Wild mushrooms have been the ideal pick for chefs when they wanted to cook Kapusta since ancient times. It helps to balance out the taste, and some variations even provide a unique, natural sweetness to the meat.

Mushrooms of this kind can be very expensive, but the taste goes incredibly well if pork is your main meat for this dish.

Finding wild mushrooms nowadays can be an incredibly difficult task. In case you can’t find any, then you can always opt for button mushrooms which are an excellent alternative. The only downside is that you won’t be getting that strong, nostalgic aroma when you actually begin to cook the dish.

· Other Ingredients

There are a couple of other different ingredients that you will need to execute this recipe. Similar to other recipes, onions are pivotal for this dish. A medium onion will do the job perfectly in this case. Onions that weigh around 140gm will be enough.

Other ingredients that you will need are caraway seeds, some salt, bay leaves, black pepper, prunes, and berries. In the case of equipment, you will need a pot to cook the dish. All it takes are a few simple ingredients, and you will be able to create an item that brings back the flavor of home.

Cooking Procedure

The steps for cooking Kapusta in this recipe are relatively simple. Keep on reading to find out how the dish can easily be prepared with a few mins cook.

Step 1: Getting Ingredients Ready

The first thing that you will have to do is get all of your ingredients ready before you can get to the main part. In that regard, you will have to start by defrosting the mushrooms if they are frozen. If it’s dried, then put it in a bowl and soak it in hot water for 3 hours minimum throughout the night.

Once the mushroom is thawed out, it’s time to chop it up into small bits. The next step is to remove all the liquids from the sauerkraut and cut it up roughly. Lastly, peel off and cut up the onions and apples. 

Step 2: Cooking the Kapusta

Take 2 tablespoons of oil, get it heated in a deep frying pan. Put some chopped onion into the pan and start frying it in medium-high heat till it becomes translucent.

Now, put the sauerkrauts and spices into the mix with the berries, leaves, and honey and let it stew for 2-3 minutes. Add mushroom and some apple bits and stir and fry the soup for another minute.

The next part of the recipe is to pour the stock of your choice and cover the lid of the pot and keep it in that state for 10 minutes.

Once it gets cooked in that time, take the lid off and keep on cooking for another 10 minutes. Add parsley and berries to the mix during this time and serve it immediately alongside mashed potatoes or as a filling for bread.

Popular Ways to Have Kapusta

  • As a proper meal with rye bread or pumpernickel bread with tomato paste on the side
  • As a sider with mashed potatoes, fresh cabbage to accompany pork chops as a proper traditional polish dish
  • Replacement for bacon drippings as filling
  • Pasta or pizza topping alongside shredded cabbage or as a side dish for intercontinental meals
  • Evening meal as a salt protein to bring out the pepper and sauerkraut cabbage flavor
  • Slow cooker option for fondue or as a side dish


Nothing beats Kapusta when it comes to bringing out the flavors of a Polish household, with the exception of smoked kielbasa. You might have thought that making it was difficult due to its complex and vibrant flavors.

However, now that you have gone through our simple Kapusta recipes, you can easily create this Polish delicacy anytime!

One thing to keep in mind is to avoid adding sugar when following our recipe. It’s best to stick to natural sweeteners in this regard. Now, no one can stop you from impressing your guests with your superior Polish recipe. Just add some bay leaf and bacon fat into your plate and watch the aesthetics soar like never before!

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Polish Kapusta Recipe – Easy Steps to Follow
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