Melvit - cottage barley groats premium, 4 bags x 3.53 oz, total net weight: 14.11 oz View larger

Melvit - cottage barley groats premium, 4 bags x 3.53 oz, total net weight: 14.11 oz

5906827022513 06/25


Melvit - kasza jęczmienna wiejska premium, 4 torebki x 100g, masa netto: 400g

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Melvit - cottage barley groats premium, 4 bags x 3.53 oz, total net weight: 14.11 oz

Cottage barley groats are chopped barley grains that have been previously cleaned and dehusked. The barley from which the groats are produced comes from our farm.

It is one of the best sources of β-glucan. This is a compound that has very strong properties for lowering the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Tired people whose physical performance has been reduced should start eating groats, the potassium and iron present in them can stimulate action and give energy.

The starch present in country barley groats allows for a slow release of energy, so after eating it, the body does not feel the need to snack between meals.

It is highly valued by active and healthy eaters.

In addition, the presence of antioxidants has a protective effect on the heart and blood vessels.

Groats have a very wide range of applications can be used not only for the preparation of traditional krupnik, equally well as an ingredient in salads, vegetable casseroles, stuffings. It tastes great with milk, fruit and nuts.


cottage barley groats 100%

Contains: gluten (barley)

May contain: sesame seeds



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